Healing Touch and Personal Energy Clearings have Ancient Roots.

Healing with the hands, where higher frequency energy is transmitted through the healer and into the patient's energy field and body to promote healing is documented to date back to ancient Egypt. The practice was referred to as Sekham. In fact many cultures currently practice this art and lovingly referred to it as ‘laying on hands’.

What is an Aura or Chakra?
An aura is an energy field that radiates through and surrounds all living things. This energy field is impacted by our thoughts, feelings and environment. The word "chakra" from Sanskrit translates to "wheel" or "disk."
Chakras are energy centers that exist throughout the body and correspond with different organs, emotions, and areas of our life and identity. Some cultures believe that there are 7 major chakra centers. Each with its own color due to vibrational frequencies.
Through healing touch energy therapy, the modern day practitioner works primarily with the client’s energy field that surrounds the body (historically referred to as aura, prana, Ka, chi, Baraka, Light or life force energy) to clear stagnation and blockages that impede health. Sessions are relaxing and therapeutic.
6 Great Reasons to Consider An Aura / Chakra Energy Clearing!
Improves sense of well being
Facilitates relaxation and calmness.
Helps to reduce stress and remove negativity
Promotes and supports healing, focus & clarity
Speeds recovery from conditions (i.e surgeries, trauma, illness, injuries)
People have reported: improvement with anxiety, discomfort, emotions, sleep disorders, and pain.

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